There’s more to Iran’s economy than oil. Despite numerous challenges that have included years of crippling sanctions, tech-savvy and enterprising young Iranians have, for the past decade, spearheaded the development of an impressive start-up ecosystem in Iran. It’s also worth keeping in mind here that the country has the highest internet penetration rates anywhere in the developing world at 90%, and the highest mobile penetration rate in the Middle East at 120%, with 83 million subscriptions. Iran’s current economic woes are hard to look beyond but the tenacity and ingenuity of its youthful workforce offers a glimmer of hope for the future…
High Tech & Start-Ups
2018 France 24 now report on the state of Iran’s start up scene, despite US sanctions. Source: Youtube, 2018
2016 CGTN report on the progress of Iran’s start-up scene despite US sanctions. Source: Youtube, 2016
The Conference Chanel presents a talk from Iranian Entrepreneur Nazanin Daneshvar, founder of Takhfifan. Source: Youtube, 2016
2015 The New Economy interview Nazanin Daneshvar in 2015, founder of Takhfifan,Iran’s most popular voucher buying website. Source, Youtube, 2015
2019 CGTN report on how some of Iran's high-tech firms are thriving despite US sanctions. Source: Youtube, 2019
2012 RT report on how tech savvy Iranians manage to get their hands on all the latest tech consumer products. Source: Youtube, 2012
Daniel Workman and Baldwin Berges of Emerging Frontiers host a discussion in 2014 on youthful entrepreneurship in Iran. Source: Youtube, 2014
Iran Vlog provides a tour of a co-working space in Tehran, Iran called Pardisehub - which hosts various entrepreneurs, startups and developers (this video requires subtitles - please get in touch if you can help). Source: Youtube, 2018
2017 CNN report on Iran’s own answer to Uber, the Tehra based taxi sharing app called Snapp. Source: Youtube, 2017
2014 Video from Iran Startups -an online Iranian startup community- charting their activities between 2012 and 2014. Source: Youtube, 2014
2015 Euronews report on Iran’s automotive industry. Source: Youtube, 2015
2016 CNN report on impact of US sanctions on Iranian car market. Source: Youtube, 2016
RT report on the unveiling of a reverse-engineered Lamborghini Murcielago SV in Tehran, Iran. It was built in Tabriz, Iran by a group of Iranian engineers. Source: Youtube, 2018
Healthcare & Pharma
2010 Al Jazeera report on how a Mississippi delta neighbourhood in the US learned from the Iranians on how to successfully run a rural healthcare plan. Source: Youtube, 2010
Beauty & Cosmetics
Cosma TV speak with Juliette Duveau, Senior Trend Forecaster at Les Persiennes about the beauty and cosmetics market in Iran. Source: Youtube, 2016
Promo video for opening of Iranian cosmetics store Safir at the Paladium shopping center in Tehran, Iran. Source: Youtube, 2016
Aria Med Tour introduce us to Nadia, a Spanish health tourist who visits Tehran, Iran for a nose job and buccal fat removal. Source: Youtube, 2019
A 2018 report on the interest of the french cosmeticss Giant Pier Auge in the Iranian cosmetics market. Source: Youtube, 2016
A somewhat dated yet still relevant 2007 Al Jazeera report on the rise of cosmetic surgery in Iran. Source: Youtube, 2007
2016 Al Jazeera report on health tourism in Iran. Source: Youtube: 2016
The infamous ‘Human Ken Doll’ tells Ruptly about his experience of having multiple plastic surgery procedures in Iran. Source: Youtube, 2017
Another promo video for Iranian cosmetics stores located in Tehran, Iran. Source: Youtube, 2016